Here He is Mr. President...Again
So Election Day was finally upon us and the world, not only the country anxiously awaited to see who the new leader of the free world would be. Governor Mitt Romney spent the day stating that he finished his acceptance speech, and President Obama was out of the public eye after he voted alongside the First Lady.
As I traveled back home to watch the final states get counted I reminisced about the months prior to this day, the debates that left America with even less certainty of who the victor would be, and the many angry exchanges I witnessed on social media networks. Regardless of who won, I wanted to feel like a winner. I wanted to feel like I was secure in the only country I’d ever known, and that my patriotism that led me to decorate my college dorm in red, white, and blue would still be genuine.
As the Electoral College votes secured Obama as the victor, Governor Romney refused to concede. He appeared to be awaiting the finalized popular votes. As it neared 12 am, Governor Romney gave one of the greatest concession speeches that the nation has probably ever heard. And, as it neared 1am, President Barack Obama accepted his destined position as President Barack Hussein Obama II.
Regardless of who I voted for, I know that there is a lot of work to be done. It will take a great commander in chief, but it will also take great leaders that we elected to assist him in Congress and in the House. It would be great if they all worked together for the better of mankind, with hidden agendas of sabotage left in their home states, but honestly only time can tell. Until then, I’ll be optimistic and remaining a proud American