Meet me in Montego Bay
It has been a while since I have visited the Caribbean. On any trip that I take, I like to make sure I learn something. Here are the 5 things I learned during my Jamaica trip:
Don't give up! I was reminded of this during an obstacle course at Chukka. It was becoming difficult. The instructor, led me to believe that he was letting me down, but forced me to complete the course. In life things get hard, but you cannot just give up. Keep pushing through!
Don't be afraid to ask for what you want. In Jamaica everyone you encounter on the resort is constantly reminding you that a tip is welcomed. They know their value and are not afraid to ask for it.
Remember where you came from. While at Chukka was taught so much history about the original people of Jamaica, their enslavement, and road to freedom. Their story is what keeps them motivated and reminds them they can make it no matter what country they go to.
You are the real obstacle. The only thing in your way from achieving greatness, is you! While on vacation I read Nely Galan's Self Made. Everyone here has a story of where they started, but also could tell you about the future they were working towards.
Just laugh. My cousin and I encountered a situation where she became so upset. I told her, life is short, and just laugh at it. You can truly find joy in anything.