Cheers to 2015
It is the 7th day of the New Year, and I wasn’t going to be like everyone else and recap 2014 and discuss what I learned. But, as this year begins with so much and so many amazing opportunities, I find it only befitting that I truly give thanks and highlight 14 of my favorite things from 2014.
1. I am blessed to come across people that are beautiful inside out. She is not only a friend, but a client. I was excited to celebrate her top 5 win at the World’s Tropic Beauty competition. And, now she is May 2015 in their calendar.
2. As Kenya’s Perfect Woman, I was able to assist with the awareness of the need to end Child Sex Tourism. This is truly a cause I believe in, and I did not realize how wide spread this was.
3. Most people don’t realize that every beauty queen, actress, and model has additional hair added to their hair to enhance their look. Not only did I find a company to perfect my look, but I also built an amazing relationship with them.
4. I was humbled with the opportunity to Executive Direct the Miss Queens Scholarship Organization, and crowned my first Miss Queens.
5. While I once again became a part of the Miss New York Organization family, I created my own family. I absolutely adore each of these amazing women. I thank God for calling them into this birth of an organization.
6. My family is my heartbeat. They encourage me and keep me grounded. This year we had a lot of celebrations, and additions to the family. I am speechless when it comes to what they are to me. And, who knows where I would be without them.
7. I will always be a pageant girl, no matter how old I am. I was ecstatic to receive the title Ms. Queens United States.
8. This year I was called by birth to dedicate myself to my calling. What does this mean? I turned a special number which by definition has bestowed an immense amount of responsibility on me. It’s time to have fun.
9. My Bad Girl debuted at New York Fashion Week.
10. Habakkuk 2:2: “And the LORD answered me: “Write the vision; make it plain on tablets, so he may run who reads it.” I sat down with a friend and made an amazing vision board before the year ended. It was a great way to reflect on how far I’ve come in general.
11. While it was always a dream of mine to get into Seventeen magazine, it was just as exciting to have one of my perfect beauties in it.
12. I fell in love. I was able to fall in love with Shekinah, life, and truly learn to love again.
13. My showstopper brought back a recital to Crunch Gym.
14. It was an amazing experience to be a part of, and I had the joy of casting the models. Bronx Fashion Gala